Kundalini Medicine: Resiliency + Immunity

By nicole (other events)

Tuesday, March 31 2020 6:00 PM 7:30 PM CDT

We are living in unprecedented times which calls for deepest level cellular activation of our vital life force energy.

The yogis, sages, saints have long predicted a time where a quickening would happen, when we would be squished and squeezed. The time is now. The pressure on our nervous systems is immense. Even if we are not feeling stretched and pinched and scared, we may feel it in the collective body. The tendency in these times is to freak out, break down or to numb out, drop out (apathy).

But there is another option, riding the wild waves of mystery that are streaming through the cosmos right now. The tantric believe it is all simply ENERGY. You can either be under the wave, crushed and paralyzed. You can also be on top of the wave, surfing wildly and opening to all the LIFE that is streaming through right now.

The tools of kundalini yoga and meditation serve us in calibrating to this immense influx of energy we are being saturated with right now. The kriya and meditation we will practice will put the power in your hands: the power to boost your resiliency, so that you can hold steady and strong amidst these changing currents. We’ll strengthen and soothe the nervous system so that we do not collapse under the pressure of this immense shift, but so that we can stand tall and hold the light for others, or just for ourselves.

If we are to serve the world in these wild times, it is imperative we learn to stand tall amidst these wild winds. That we know how to open and let these winds of changes move us in the ways we are destined to go. With the right tools, these times can shift us onto the path that will expand us into our truest path in this life.

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