full moon equinox portal

By nicole (other events)

Monday, September 20 2021 6:30 PM 8:30 PM CDT

The sun (and mars) in Virgo illuminates our daily habits (physical, mental, emotional, energetic). The moon (and neptune) in Pisces offers a place to dissolve those habits that are no longer life-affirming.

This full and glowing moon in Pisces aligns closely with this year’s fall equinox, a time of balance and equilibrium. The equinox is a powerful portal that offers us a turning back inward. The nights are getting longer and deeper, our attention is shifting inward. It is a time for release, for giving away what we can no longer hold.

Neurological patterns and loops develop throughout our lives, holding in place our values and beliefs. Healthy habits give our lives the necessary structure to be useful, to belong, to love, to enjoy our lives. And sometimes we outgrow these patterns. As the river of life makes its twists and turns, we must assess what is working, and what is not.

With the sun and mars in Virgo, we are supported in self-reflection that allows us to sift the grain from the chaff. We get to choose what no longer supports our highest vision for our life. We are supported in an almost ruthless revision, not in a self-harming way, but in a way that makes no more excuses. A way that does not put off what we know must be done.

With the full moon and Neptune in Pisces, we are offered a limitless ocean of compassion and love. The self reflection can sometimes feel painstaking and exhausting. Luckily, the full moon is here to wash us in unconditional love. This dreamy moon opens a portal into the realm of spirit, the realm not easily explained. It must be experienced. This is the void, the mystery, the place where all things must return to.

If we can allow ourselves to rest deeply into this eternal pool of mystery, we can gently and organically release what no longer serves. We can be reborn in the great unconditional love that we were birthed from. We can enter autumn lighter, clearer and prepared for the night.

In this event, we’ll practice a series of movements, breathing, mudra, and mantra based in kundalini and hatha yoga to dissolve habitual neurological patterns. This series works on the subconscious layers of the mind to release what is outgrown. You don’t necessarily even need to know what you are releasing, although it can help the process if you do.

We’ll then move into a deep meditation/visualization to enter the deep ocean of love. This self-hypnosis allows you to enter the mysterious realm of the great mystery. It’s like dropping your bucket deep into the well of source, pulling it back up to drink deep. Let yourself be nourished.

Ritual will be woven into the practice for a ceremonial experience. This ritual will weave a web of love between and around us, sealing in the effects of the practice and amplifying the gifts. Our efforts are amplified when we practice together.

Preregistration required. Upon registration, you’ll receive a link to the meeting. This link is good for one household and not to be shared. Everyone who registers will receive the recording to watch at their leisure. This link will be downloadable for 7 days.

If you cannot attend due to cost, email Nicole for free or discounted access. Priority given to BIPOC, LGBTQ, disabled folx.